
HOW to be better?

It is time to do a planning for my future.
I know I have many weakness.
It have a very big gap between me and my ambition.

I just wanna to be a usefull person
I just wanna to be GOOD.

But I am not good at communication, not good at explaination.
My respond capability is not good at all.

OH GOD! How I going to be better?



Start my internship life now. 
There is not much different between the OL and me.
Same like other people
I wake up at 6am 
I take KTM & LRT to office. Both of the public transport are very crowded.
I work everyday [except weekends]
Wait to have lunch in the morning
I wait to go home when after lunch time.
And then go home, watch, eat and sleep.
[boring life, izit?]




所以   不开始就不会受到批评

久而久之  迷失自我




Actually I wanna try to give some comments after reading an article about investment in this era of uncertainty.
But it s hard for me to read nor even to give a comment.

This means 
the knowledge i have is not much...

So, what else can do?
 Just go read more if i wanna know more!



Read more to gain more knowledge <--- this is what I wish to do in today. Although I know I still got many things need to do. For example, thesis, keep on finding job for my internship, do revision for my Japanese language oral test in the next two week... 

But so what? Life is still go on. I have to improve myself in everyday to compete with people around me. 

S.M.I.L.E    &    take it   E.A.S.Y

[appreciate everyday]


I am an economics student who don't know economics very much.
Weird is it? But this is very common problem in my school now.
Most of us don't know what to do after we graduate... to be an economist? or an analyst?
We feel hard to get these professional jobs... may be I am not confidence enough... or may be this way is still NEW to us. [just like THE ROAD NOT TAKEN] ... We have to explore this ourselves.
Why would this happen? Is it school problem? I think so...
My school teaching in Bahasa Melayu, they didn't update us with the current economics issues... We just learn some teori from the books. (feel regret that didn't put much effort in the pass few years)


i'm baby sitter

Never imagine that i will be a baby sitter. Because I am the younger sister in my house even among our relative family. I used to wait people serve me more than I do. So, I don't know how to serve people and even find a topic to chat with them. Am I cool??

So, this is the best experience to training myself to be a patient and friendly person. Honestly, it is very tough mission lo.

G.O.O.D L.U.C.K to myself. It still left few days to go. I must do my best to give them good impression.